Month: February 2015

  • Bare Vexed

    I am writing this article in response to Isabelle Kerr’s “Twerking, selfie and unlike?” piece. I think its important that we stand together in disagreement with her point of view. Whilst I understand how “twerking” and other words like this make Isabelle Kerr “wanna vom”, this article will argue against Isabelle’s view that words that…

  • Evaluation of performance

    Our performance was showing all the feelings inside the characters head and we thought by standing around the character and saying what they are thinking would be very effective as the audience would be able to understand better. We thought this would be very effective because instead of the audience wondering what emotions they are feeling…

  • I can tell you now

    I can tell you now that nothing annoys me more than everyone else getting on my train. Imagine how I feel getting on the same train to the same school Monday to Friday every week. It doesn’t sound so bad does it? Unless you are experiencing what I experience. This happened a few days ago on my…

  • Now and Then

    The memories of walking to school in the morning feeling tired but the cold frosty air wakes you up. Seeing all of your friends as you enter the gate, you say goodbye to your parents and run to the line. You join your friends as they are singing and laughing, as you wait for the…

  • Section 3- evaluation

    EVALUATION OF OWN PERFORMANCE: In our performance the most effective moment was the scene where Achillies at Patroclus are speaking/arguing. I see this as our most effective performance because we had two characters presenting Achillies and Patrocluses feelings and emotions. This was very effective becuase it made the audience think who was performing who’s emotion.…

  • Section 2

    Our performance switches between modern day ancient times. My character was developed in our performance by researching about my character and analysing text in the script that would mention my character. I also looked at my use of movement and use of voice to depict my character, this was very helpful because i was then able to…

  • Section 2a- Character, Context and plot

    The character that I played in Act 1 Scene 5,  Embassy to Achillies, was Phoenix who is a general in the Greek army which brought up and taught Achillies who is a Achean warrior which is also known as a great King of the Myrmidons. This scene has six characters Achillies, Pheonix, Ajax, Hector, Hecuba and…

  • Section 2-b structure